Shadow and Flame by Mindee Arnett

Title: Shadow & Flame (Rime Chronicles #2)
Author: Mindee Arnett
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Release Date: June 4th 2019
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

From acclaimed author Mindee Arnett comes the thrilling conclusion of the stunningly epic, action-packed, and romantic fantasy adventure about a powerful girl possessed of strange magic, the outcast prince she loves, and the kingdom that has torn them apart.

Kate and Corwin are on the run, desperate for allies in a new world of war among the kingdoms of Rime. As the book opens, Kate suffers a massive loss, one that will shape the struggle for freedom of all wilders and magic folk—that is, if Kate can learn to control her own power.

Shadow and Flame is a book that definitely delivers on it’s follow up to Onyx and Ivory. I loved the story of Rime in the first book and that continued on into this book.

Oh my poor heart!! So many things that just, ugh, my poor heart.

So I love Kate as a character. There is nothing I like than a character who is not perfect! Kate has to make so many choices and even though she thinks she is doing the right thing, is she really. I like that Signe is there to challenge her conscience. Especially in her wilder magic abilities which happens to be mind control. There are times when Kate thinks she is using it for good but is taking away people’s choices. This is something she really struggles with and struggles with understanding.

What I also love about Kate is that she is so strong. There are times when she wants to fall apart but she pulls herself together and decides this is not the time. She knows she has to get threw some things even if she is not feeling it.

Corwin is another interesting character because he is truly kind and wise. He’s not perfect either of course. He has a drive through and often realizes that the lives of many must take precedence over his own feelings.

The plot of the story is great. It both brings things from the first book but also manages to stay fresh as new problems arise. I love the way the two book interlock together for the full story. The world building and the way the Gods/Magic system work is really interesting. We are still able to learn new things that make sense to learn at a later date. It’s not like, why is that suddenly in here. The progression was well executed.

I hate mind control though. Oh my gosh, I always get upset when I’m reading about people’s wills being taken away. Ahhh. It also makes me speed through a story because it’s like how do you get out of this. For me I consider this the worst monster a character can face.

Familiar side characters have returned and we get more of their stories as well. Some of course gut wrenching because we are talking about war.

I have a great love for the Rime Chronicles and I loved Shadow and Flame.

YA Author of THE NIGHTMARE AFFAIR, a contemporary fantasy coming March 5, 2013 from Tor Teen (Macmillan) and AVALON, a YA sci-fi thriller coming Winter 2014 from Balzer+Bray (HarperCollins). Represented by the fabulous Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary. Addicted to jumping horses and telling tales of magic, the macabre, and outer space.

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Prize: Win a signed copy of SHADOW & FLAME and ONYX & IVORY by Mindee Arnett and swag (INT)

Start Date: 4th June 2019
End Date: 18th June 2019