Welcome to another Sunday!! So I did more of a personal update in my If We Were Having Tea... post if you would like to check that out. This is more of a book update. Although I might have lost track of some of the things I've gotten. (I know terrible, I'm back to be organized I hope)
So some Reviews/Playlist that you might have missed on the blog......
Oh my God this book....scared the pants off of me. I have to admit when I was younger I had a paranoid about getting murdered (don't ask me why, I'm a vivid dreamer) Now that I have a daughter (even though she is only 4) it's just. Wow. This book was great.
Don't Ever Change
I have seen mixed reviews about this book but I really enjoyed it. I think I had a small connection to Eva.
Ana of California
Anne of Green Gables retelling. I was nervous but I enjoyed it.
Under the Lights
I so loved the romance between Van and Brianna
Things that I have gotten.......
It was a dark and stormy night when this showed up on my doorstep.....it felt really appropiate
A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
Resonance by Erica O'Rourke
Love supporting a local author. Erica is always very cool at signings! Plus I love this cover.
So don't laugh but I used to watch the Girls Next Door show so I was curious about this book. My husband got it from someone so he brought home for me to read
I won this awesome Wedding Prize Pack from Entangled. I am a huge Entangled Fan I admit it. The tote is so appropriate for me.

A cool tote a couple things for notes and annotations. Two books Crazy for Competition and Hold Me Until Midnight. Bath & Body works, which this one smells so good. A journal that's kind of like a scrapbook. I also got a 25 dollar Amazon gift card. I was very excited!!
So that's all for now!!! Thanks for stopping by! Let me know if you got anything cool this week or leave me a link in the comments so I can stop by and check it out.