Updates from the Library

Welcome to another fabulous week in Chicagoland! The weather has actually been warm but it's supposed to snow four inches today. We will see if that happens.

I thought I would have a new layout up already but I'm still tweaking what I want to do with it. So I'm hoping by the end of the month to switch over. It's a little bit different style, so I have to get used to it.

I'm also trying to figure tsu still. Do you have tsu?

I got my first Uppercase Box. I did a post about it that you can click below. So far so good I'm glad I signed up for it. My only concern is getting repeat books, but I've slimmed down on my purchasing and so we will see.

There is a giveaway for Tear You Apart that you should definitely enter. Besides that, I've just been playing around with ideas for fun things for the blog.

Blog Happenings

#UpperCaseBox #Jan15 Unboxing

Deviate by Tracy Clark #BookTrailer Reveal #Giveaway

*Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross #BookReview #Giveaway #FFBC

*The Body Electric by Beth Revis #BookReview #Giveaway

*Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw #BookReview

Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen #CoverReveal

Tea of the Week

Felix Felicis
If you haven't caught on this is from my Harry Potter collection of teas from Adaigo Teas. I actually picked it out of the group randomly and I remembered how much I like it. It has a lighter flavor.

What I'm Reading

All that Burns by RyanGraudin 
The Accidental Empress by AllisonPataki
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

It's becoming a ridiculous amount of time that I've put the Red Queen on hold. I should be finishing it this week I hope. 

The Body Electric by Beth Revis
Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross
Paper or Plastic by Vivi Barnes