Sunday Post: Book Haul

Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Happy Sunday everyone!! I hope you are having a good week and enjoyed the 4th. I've been in a funk lately that I can't seem to get out of. Hopefully it will end soon, I can't believe I only had two post last week. I had post planned that I didn't get up because no motivation. Lots going on this week though. So make sure to stop back. Here are some post you might have missed.


The giveaway for Unravel ends today so make sure to enter. Plus check out my Book Review, DreamCast and Playlist. Ya that post is rocking. I loved the series so I recommend it. It was a great Sci-Fi read.

You still have 22 days to enter the Perfected giveaway. I haven't read it yet but I love Entangled Teen books. You can check out the Excerpt too.


So make sure to check back.

That's about it. I'm getting ready for a big book signing next week so those are the only books I'm buying right now.