I saw this cool post on Perpetual Page-Turner that Jamie was inspired to do by Ashley who runs Your Super Awesome Life. It's basically a great way to take break from normal blog post and catch up on the person behind the blog. You know take a coffee break. So here is my first attempt and please let me know in the comments about your life or if you have done a similar post link it.
If We Were Having Coffee....... I would have to first start off by saying I take horrible pictures. Like the one above. For some weird reason I have some swelling eye problem. I guess it's allergies but it only happens to my left eye. I've deemed it Ogre eye because I like to squint up that eye and make weird grunting sounds to scare people
If We Were Having Coffee....... I would tell you I don't wear make-up. Oh I've tried and I can't seem to find the motivation to get up in the morning to put it on. I think I don't get it either. When I have it on you can hardly tell. One of my best friends works corporate for Sephora and she has tried over and over. I'm a lost cause unfotunately
If We Were Having Coffee....... I would tell you I have a disease called Ulcerative Colitis and it's flared up right now. It makes me depressed and angry. I know I am lucky although the disease is incurable it's not fatal and there could be worse things. I control the disease the disease doesn't control me is my mantra.
If We Were Having Coffee....... I'm blessed to have two wonderful children and every once in a while I want a third. I almost died giving birth to my daughter so it's possible that I can't. Well it's recommended that I don't, which kind of sucks. Something about having the choice taken away from you makes you more frustrated with the situation.
If We Were Having Coffee....... Sometimes I schedule my reading time weird. I'm not sure why but I like to read right down to the wire. I don't know why I do that and it has nothing to do with the books.
If We Were Having Coffee....... I am done with winter and I am someone who loves snowstorms. I just feel like I've notice the long winter is draining people. Even though it is Chicago we usually have some warmer temps at this point. It was frigid for longer than usual and people have the winter blues. Even volunteering at my sons school I could tell the kids need to be able to get outside more. So winter go away already. Spring should be around the corner.
Well my If We Were Having Coffee fits right into my randomness. If We Were Having Coffee what would you tell me about you?? What's the first thing that pops into your head that's been going on in your life or maybe people don't know about you.