Sunday Post: Book Haul

Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

I don't know what it is about the weekend. Sometimes I have to drag myself on to the computer. Maybe because I stare at a computer all day at work. So that is why this is so late in the afternoon.

Anyways...this week I caught the flu my kids had. Arrgh. I feel like if I have to be home, I should be able to at least read but to no avail was not feeling up to it. I decided that next time I need to listen to an audio book because usually I lay with my eyes closed just listening to the tv anyway. So that's my new sick or feeling tired game plan. I think.

I'm still trying to find ways to improve the blog. I saw a feature called, if we were having coffee, that I might do this week. I was going to do it last week but I didn't get to it. It's neat so look for that and maybe participate. I saw it on The Perpetual Page Turners Blog so go there to check it out.

I also finally started a Facebook Page. Haven't done much with it but if you like it, it would be much appreciated. I'm hoping to get into sharing cool book things not just stuff that's on my blog. I think my regular facebook friends are probably sick of that stuff. lol

I quickly grabbed this button. Wow it's huge. Like a neon sign saying like m page. ha ha.

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