Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
2014 the year of improvements for me. One of those things has been tackling my email and then promptly realizing it feels impossible. I’m currently trying to swim my way through review request, post from other bloggers and just other mish mash of things. It did however inspire me to create a google form for review request now located on my review policy page. That way those lovely babies can find their way to an organized spreadsheet where I can actually look at them. I plan on adding to the spreadsheet because that’s what I am, a tweeker. Not twerker or whatever the hell that weird thing Miley Cyrus does is. I redo things and redo things and redo things until they seem like they can’t be done anymore.
I’m still toying with ideas. Should I change my blog name, should I change to wordpress, why haven’t I bought my domain. Oh if I change my name then my domain won’t be valid anymore…..I’m telling you I think over things and over things until they can’t be redone anymore!!! Actually things can always be redone.
Now I’m rambling and that is not good. I blame the frigid temps that hold us all captive in our houses huddled under blankets and using space heaters on top of our normal heating system. Curse you cold, as I wave my fist in the air.
So wait back to blog stuff. I’m going through my old reviews too. Some are part finished and some I never posted!! WTF. I realized that I had a year of slacking last year and now it’s time to put the peddle to the meddle and really hunker down. Of course until the new years resolution bug wears off in what...Feburary. I kid I kid…..I think.
Note to self do not write sunday post when you are pre-writing them in google docs and feel like you have word garbage that needs to get out of you.
Phew now let’s get down to some blog happenings……….
Blog Happenings
Book Reviews
Cover Reveals
2014 the year of improvements for me. One of those things has been tackling my email and then promptly realizing it feels impossible. I’m currently trying to swim my way through review request, post from other bloggers and just other mish mash of things. It did however inspire me to create a google form for review request now located on my review policy page. That way those lovely babies can find their way to an organized spreadsheet where I can actually look at them. I plan on adding to the spreadsheet because that’s what I am, a tweeker. Not twerker or whatever the hell that weird thing Miley Cyrus does is. I redo things and redo things and redo things until they seem like they can’t be done anymore.
I’m still toying with ideas. Should I change my blog name, should I change to wordpress, why haven’t I bought my domain. Oh if I change my name then my domain won’t be valid anymore…..I’m telling you I think over things and over things until they can’t be redone anymore!!! Actually things can always be redone.
Now I’m rambling and that is not good. I blame the frigid temps that hold us all captive in our houses huddled under blankets and using space heaters on top of our normal heating system. Curse you cold, as I wave my fist in the air.
So wait back to blog stuff. I’m going through my old reviews too. Some are part finished and some I never posted!! WTF. I realized that I had a year of slacking last year and now it’s time to put the peddle to the meddle and really hunker down. Of course until the new years resolution bug wears off in what...Feburary. I kid I kid…..I think.
Note to self do not write sunday post when you are pre-writing them in google docs and feel like you have word garbage that needs to get out of you.
Phew now let’s get down to some blog happenings……….
Blog Happenings
Book Reviews
Cover Reveals
Trailer Reveals
Release Day Launches
Today is my tour stop for All that Glows so make sure to check that out too!
Book Haul
II did not really recieve any books. Just 1 ebook which doesn't have a cover yet.
Knight Assassin by Rima Jean