Welcome to my stop on the Eternal Echoes Blog Tour, hosted by Book Nerd Tours
She thought she stopped the evil.
She thought she was safe.
Everything she thought was wrong.
Almost four months have passed since Evie Starling learned she was a Tracker and helped defeat a Daevos Clan that was taking others like her—but that wasn’t the end of the abductions. As an unknown evil emerges, Evie vows to help solve the mystery of the missing Trackers, regardless of the risk.
With new powers she doesn’t understand and can’t control, she turns to Alex and Emil, her two soul mates, for help. But her feelings for them both are tearing her apart. She knows she has to decide between them; however, her memories are only making that choice more difficult.
As the world around her is thrown into chaos, Evie is confronted with what could be a destiny-altering truth. Will she accept her history, her memories, and her role in this life, or choose to ignore the echoes of her past?
10 Things Readers Don't Know about You
1. I was traumatized by a red-eyed monster on Dr. Who as a child and still can’t watch the show. Even hearing the music makes me cringe.
2. I’m a total germaphobe. I always have Clorox wipes and antibacterial gel with me.
3. Each time I find something I really like at a restaurant, they take it off the menu within a few months.
4. I’m terrified of spiders but I can't kill them, so instead I just trap them under a cup and wait for my husband to get rid of them.
5. The first concert I ever went to was Neil Diamond. I was 11 and went with my parents.
6. I became a vegetarian when I was 5 years old after my babysitter explained that my hamburger used to be one of the cows in the field down the street.
7. The Utah Jazz NBA team used to practice in the gym at my college. We would watch them practice and sometimes when they finished, they would let students shoot around with them.
8. My favorite children’s book was Go Dog Go. I LOVED those fast little dogs in cute cars and hats.
9. New Orleans is my favorite city in the U.S.
10. My dream house location changes depending on what movie/book I'm obsessed with at the time. For a while it was located on a coffee farm in Kenya (Out of Africa). After that, an estate in Australia (McLeod's Daughters, The Thorn Birds). At the moment, I'd kind of like to live in the Batcave…or wherever Superman hangs his cape. J
Angela writes under two names. Young Adult and New Adult titles are written as Angela Corbett. Adult titles are written as Destiny Ford.
