Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
So it's been a while since I've done one of these. Mostly I've just been busy. My husband switched jobs and the new schedule is even rougher then I thought it would be. (plus other crazy things like dropping my phone in my daughters and our cars breaking) My kids might just still be adjusting and with the Holiday season probably doesn't help. I'm hoping things calm down after the New Year. Really though I can' write this post without the chorus of "mommy, mommy" I actually don't have anything specific planned for the blog until next week so I can relax. Meaning no blog tours or things. I still have a bunch of reviews to put up and I've lost track of my amazon reviews so I want to make sure that's up to date too.
So I can't remember what I've gotten and when as far as book haul.
These are some things I won maybe in November. The Ipad Mini from Entangled Publishing because they are awesome (I think that even without winning and ipad), The Chelsea Fine books signed from a Charity Auction, and then Never Fade from Publishing Crawl.
I don't really get books for Christmas. My family has deemed that to hard an endeavor because they have seen my shelves and feel like I can buy my own books.
My mom did get me this cool Pride and Prejudice Bag and pencil case I guess. I'm not sure but I can put my kindle and things in the little bag. I also got a Harry Potter magnet and Desk Calendar.
Now I did a huge happy dance when I wasn't expecting anything in the mail and this beauty came...
I'm pretty pumped about it.
So hopefully next week I will be up and running with all kinds of fun things. At least I hope. I might have to get up in the middle of the night to work on the blog though. lol.