Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop that is designed to provide some much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participating, and to expand their following. Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog for the week, it's an interesting way to get to know one another.
If you would like to follow me right now you can do so by GFC, Twitter or Linky (right side).
Q: Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?
Hmm I always had trouble reading things that were required for school. I don't think it had much to do with the book but I just never liked being forced to read something I didn't want to. I did like To Kill a Mocking Bird and I did like The Illiad and The Odyssey. Besides that I don't think we read many books that I liked. Honestly it was so many many books ago that I don't remember what we read.