Author: Amanda Hocking
Series: Trylle Trilogy
Published: Feb. 28, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 291 (contains bonus content, "One Day, Three Ways")
"Amanda Hocking is an indie publishing sensation whose self-published novels have sold millions of copies all over the world. Step into the world of the Trylle, and prepare to be enchanted….
When Wendy Everly first discovers the truth about herself—that she’s a changeling switched at birth—she knows her life will never be the same. Now she’s about to learn that there’s more to the story…
She shares a closer connection to her Vittra rivals than she ever imagined—and they’ll stop at nothing to lure her to their side. With the threat of war looming, her only hope of saving the Trylle is to marry a powerful royal. But that means walking away from Finn, her handsome bodyguard who’s strictly off limits…and Loki, a Vittra prince with whom she shares a growing attraction.
Torn between her heart and her people, between love and duty, Wendy must decide her fate. If she makes the wrong choice, she could lose everything, and everybody, she’s ever wanted…in both worlds." ~Indiebound
First off I have to say that I enjoyed this book more than I did the first one. Which might be partly due to the introduction of Loki, who I adore for some reason. I had been disappointed by Wendy by the end of the first book but it seemed the second book she is back to being the girl I liked originally. The strong no nonsense kind of girl that wasn't going to be weighted down by her heartbreak.
Amanda Hocking continues where she left off in Torn. It doesn't miss a beat between the two books. I was a little disappointed that we didn't spend more time finding out about the Vittra from their perspective but some questions are answered. I liked the happenings in the book, it wasn't just Wendy trapped in a palace getting belittled.
A few new characters are introduced in this book, one of which is Loki. He was actually introduced in the bonus material of the first book but if you don't have an edition with that then this is the first we really see of him. I'm not sure what it is about him that I like so much. Maybe it's that damaged bad boyness about him, where he doesn't care what other people think. He only cares about what and who is important to him.
We also meet Sarah, who doesn't have a prominent role but you feel empathetic to her from the minute you meet her. Like she is probably too good not to like. There seems to be a little bit of loneliness to her.
We also get to know Duncan, Wendy's new tracker and see a lot more of her host brother Matt. Rhys pretty much disappears at some point in the book.
Finn fades a little bit into the shadows. He is still there to pull some heart strings but he doesn't stand out to me very much. I wouldn't consider myself on his "Team" if you are going to pick one.
Tove steps up a little bit and he has a more defined role in the whole scheme of things.
I had some cover love for this book and that's why I picked it up so quickly. I'm glad I did though.
Of course like Switched, Torn has some alternative covers that I actually like as well.